Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 Portraits

So I finally decided it was better late than never to start taking some professional pictures of the girls and our family and since I work for JCPenney's, what better place than JCP to get our pictures made. It is sooooooooooo much cheaper than I thought it would be and I am kicking myself that i never went until now.

Our first pictures were Natalie's 2 year photos. She did great until we changed into her casual outfit (hence no pictures in her jeans - she had a complete meltdown). I learned that it is a must to bring cheerios and snacks in order to bribe her to take more pics. Also, she was really cute. In the picture with the letters "TWO" she said -no mama, that's a "M" (because she was upside down looking at it) so I told the photographer to just take the pics so I could remember it.

Have I told you that my second daughter is a model? yes, we got stopped as we were leaving the store and they asked if they could use Rachel as a model to help train a new employee. yes - yes!We in turn, got our pictures practically free. (p.s. - I'm so glad that i changed Rachel's outfit and added a bow as we were running out the door!)

Here's our first family picture EVER!! I think it turned out really well. Matt was hilarious through out the photo shoot. He kept making these exaggerated faces thinking it would make Natalie smile but it just made him look silly. He is a good daddy and I love my husband :-)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Week

We were so blessed to have a great Christmas this year and were able to share the season with Mimi and Grandma. Natalie is really starting to understand and have fun with the holidays and Rachel has a great first. (First meal (rice cereal) and First Christmas). We were able to take our first family pictures (Daddy had some crazy smiles) and we got lots of goodies from Santa.
Pictures with Mimi during her visit.
The sisters playing dress up.

Grandma's birthday
Rachel's first taste of food - she was not a fan.
Making christmas cookies for Santa

Rachel out shopping with mom - 4.5 months old

Christmas Morning

November / Thanksgiving

We've been so busy, we skipped Thanksgiving all together (on our blog at least). We did manage to take a road trip (Erica, girls and Mimi) to Memphis and Amory. It was WONDERFUL getting to see the Caddens and Walls. Matt flew into Birmingham on Wednesday and the Texas Zooks drove back on Saturday. It was fun.