We've had so much fun over the last week leading up to Christmas! Both of the grandmothers are here visiting and the girls are just in heaven! Lots of spoiling going on in this house.....and we wouldn't have it any other way!! One of the things this year that we've been able to do is play games with Natalie. She is showing her Cadden roots and has become a real card SHARK! She can't get enought of Go Fish and somehow she manages to win EVERY game!!

We've also enjoyed our time off work (Friday - Monday) and have had fun hanging out with girls too. Plus we got to celebrate a milestone birthday with Grandma Zook (70 years young!!).
Another thing we enjoyed doing was making christmas cookies for Santa Claus. Rachel helped me eat the icing and Natalie helped me decorate them. They did such a good job. And the grandmothers helped us eat them!! DELICIOUS...... 
This was the first year that Natalie has really gotten into the whole Christmas/Santa thing. We also had our first visit from Buddy (that's the name of Natalie's elf) and he's been hiding in such silly places. I am going to miss that little guy....we just mention his name and Natalie stops whining so that she will get a good report that day.