Sunday, September 13, 2009

12 Month Checkup

Natalie had her 12 month checkup recently and the doctor said she's looking great and right on target with her development (duh!). Unfortunately, she had to have 4 shots!!! and a finger pricked for blood work. It was soooooo sad. Matt had the afternoon off so he took her home afterwards so she didn't have to back to school.

Here's her stats:
Weight: 21lbs (50% percentile)
Length: 30-1/8" (80% percentile)
Head: 18-1/4" (80% percentile)

Things she says:
-thank you (kind of)
-the end (after you finish a book)
-baa (sheep)
-yellow and red (kind of)

Things she can do:
-reads to herself and turns the book right side up
-stack objects
-throw objects (ugh!!)
-walk (YEAH!!! no more knee shuffle)
-climb onto our bed
-climb out of the bathtub (almost)

Things she enjoys:
-she LOVES books, either reading to her or looking at them
-pulling kleenex out of the box
-swimming (jumping in especially)
-going outside
-looking outside (from the front door or the windows)
-cats -but she is kind of scared of them too

Her favorite foods:
-peaches!!!! this kid loves just about any fruit but especially peaches
-animal crackers
-puffs & goldfish
-She will eat most things you put in front of her but if she doesn't like it or she's full, she starts throwing it (mommy and daddy then get her out of the highchair)

Things she's done so far in 1 year:
-flown on an airplane to New Orleans(3x), San Antonio, Omaha, Birmingham & Cleveland, Ohio
-gone to San Antonio and Omaha zoo
-3 pool parties
-4 birthday parties just for her (yikes!)
-swimming classes

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