Saturday, June 26, 2010


It's been one week now since we switched Natalie to her Big Girl room and queen size bed and I'm very pleased to tell everyone that it has been such a successful week!!! Although she did not take any naps last weekend, she did really well at night and hasn't been a problem at all. Here's a picture of what we've seen each night this week.
She's been staying in her bed until today - so that is such a win. Today however was the first time she took a nap in her room. I am just so proud of her. So I went in to check on her because I had originally laid down with her (cause momma was tired!) and slept some, she had just played and talked. Did I mention she talks a lot when she's trying to unwind? well, she does. anyway, i actually took a nap, she was still talking and playing (which is what woke me up) and i told her that mommy was leaving. She got sad and cried but that only lasted for a few minutes. We always close our doors when we sleep and since she doesn't know how to open them yet, I heard her wiggled the handle for awhile. then there was silence.
I decided to peak in on her and this is how I found her. Too cute! It's a good thing i didn't try and open the hall door - I'm really glad we have the bathroom door too.

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