Friday, September 17, 2010

BUSY SEPTEMBER!! (and behind on postings)

I am really far behind in my postings. You would think that staying at home during maternity leave would allow me to do all kinds of postings, etc... Well, I have decided to use this weekday time to help me get all my errands, cleaning, cooking, and sorting thru clothes, etc.. done while the tornado (aka Natalie) and Matt are at work. Then some days are completely taken up (like they were yesterday) with fun things like having our entire air conditioner unit turned off and cleaned for 10 hours during 93 degree heat. YUCK! Monday was spent all day cleaning the house and unfortunately, today was spent redoing that because of all the mess the guys made yesterday.

So... it may be awhile before you get to see some quality postings done. For now, just enjoys these pics.
RACHEL has a MOLE! (on her right leg, by her socks)

where's Natalie?? (this is where i found her from her nap)
Visit from Aunt Peggy and Cousin Valerie!!! It was great to see them if only for the short labor day weekend. I'm trying to talk Valerie into moving here :-)
They brought lots of gifts for Natalie and Rachel - Natalie just LOVED her Little Mermaid costume!

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